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fun game, good gimic, looks very polished


I really really enjoyed this!! This might be my favorite game of the jam. The art is good, the sounds are great! I love the gathering of materials and crafting them into the stat boosting. It's so addictive. My only 2 issues are the bullets enemies fire are way too fast and I get hit just about every time, the bullets should be slower but more numerous, like a bullet hell possibly, experiment with that. And also, fall death happens waaay to quickly. Another thing that would be nice in an update, highlight the materials you need when you mouse over a potion so you know what you're short on. Great job! 

I appreciate the high praise!
There's a lot of quality of life adjustments I wanted to implement but didn't have time during the jam. Good call on highlighting the materials in the menu, the entire crafting system was put together very sloppily and I'll be overhauling it after the judging period is over.

Thanks for playing!

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Hey, I see you updated the game! It works a lot better now! Still die pretty quickly, maybe have the enemy bullet velocity be slow at first then as you go down, make it faster, i know you're supposed to switch between light and dark to avoid them, but they're still way too fast, if you want the player to make progress, let them survive a bit longer, maybe even have a depth on the screen to show some progress, and when your cursor is on a potion, highlight what ingredients that potion uses so you know what you need.


This was really fun. Love the art style, the music is great. The only thing I mildly disliked is that the amount of different ingredients is a bit much. It made me not even care about potion recipes, I was just like "if I can make it I can make it, if I cant then back to shooting goblins". It seemed a little like a gimmick to fit in with the theme. But all in all very well done.

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You caught me lol, the potions were in fact just an addition to fit the theme.

I've got a plan to update the game to make potion crafting more engaging where instead of fighting enemies for items, you mine items out of blocks forcing you to slow down without forcing you to directly fight the enemies (which are not the most engaging things to fight), and I should probably pare down the ingredient numbers. My thought process for having so many was that I wanted to force the player to get ingredients from both the light and dark worlds, and I initially wanted to have more potions but was pressed for time. It is what it is for the jam.

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


I remember seeing this on Discord and being worried about the flashing of changing between realms but it's actually completely fine and wasn't an issue at all.

The art was simple but really well done and very thematic. I liked the little witch between levels and the crafting screen, it felt very old school.

I had to admit I didn't really see any point in bothering to fight the enemies at all. I know you need their parts to make potions to power up but it felt like a hassle trying to kill them with just jumping above them and firing, felt like I was constantly putting myself in danger for it.

However I think this bit me in the *** when I got to the boss at the end and despite hitting it what felt like hundreds of times I just couldn't kill it haha. I'm sure it was entirely my own fault for ignoring the crafting system.


Love the Idea, Only thing I would add in future games is to add WASD movement aswell for those with 60% keyboards and for accessibility purposes. Swapping the block surfaces was really smart and I congratulate you for entering :)

I considered adding WASD support but couldn't settle on a good set of keys for jump and swap since Z and X are inaccessible when using WASD. Maybe Shift and Space? It's definitely something I'll be adding when I do another pass on the game in a week or two to add things I didn't have time for during the jam.
Thanks so much for playing!

I love the polish, but I dont understand, how do I shoot? How do I jump? It feels like I'm missing a button! Nice art and animation though!


DUDE! WHAT! I love this! You even have a really nice tutorial level! So polished!